First off, welcome to my blog! In this internet world equipped with copious amounts of cat pictures and mindless humor, I’m honored to either have been your first choice, or to take second place to cats. Because c’mon. Cats are hilarious.

I’m just your everyday girl with a colorfully expensive imagination, and not enough funds to support it. Ha! But seriously, I’m here to inspire others and take you on the journey of a solo female traveler who believes in the unequivocal education of travel, risks, and hustle.

15 countries across 3 continents later, and I’ve decided to settle down in Barcelona, Spain for the meantime. I greatly despise the 5-year plan and hardly know what I’ll be doing tomorrow. I believe in the beauty of my dreams and the magic in the mystery.

So here’s to the new memories, the unspoken regrets, and the calculated risks of dancing down a road less traveled to expand my horizons. I bring you


Cheers! :)

Name: Gloria Atanmo
Age: 25
Birthday: March 30th
College: Baker University, KS
Major: Mass Media + Design
Favorite Vacation: French Riviera
Favorite Quote: “Don’t feel entitled to anything you didn’t have to sweat or struggle for.” -Marian Wright
About Me